path: root/src/main.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-07-19add: tanh activation addedjvech
2024-07-18add: linear activation addedjvech
2023-10-21setup: man page improvedjvech
2023-09-11add: static file reading implementedjvech
2023-09-03doc: LICENSE and some documentation addedjvech
2023-08-30add: network read and write done json_read reactoredjvech
2023-08-27add: data and network initialization donejvech
2023-08-25add: layer architecture loading from cfg donejvech
2023-08-23add: basic configuration parsing implementedjvech
2023-08-17[ADD]: Cli implemented in a different functionjvech
2023-08-16add: Cli definedjvech
2023-08-14add: cli interface definedjvech
2023-07-28add: network forward pass implementedjvech
2023-07-13add: json_read improvedjvech
2023-07-13add: forward pass with openblas in progressjvech
2023-07-12add: weights initialization and deallocation donejvech
2023-07-10add: json file function implementedjvech
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