diff options
3 files changed, 55 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
index 658f417..c348b76 100644
--- a/src/main.c
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -14,15 +14,22 @@ typedef struct Array {
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x, type) sizeof(x) / sizeof(type)
Layer neural[] = {
- {.neurons = 3, .activation = relu},
+ {.neurons = 5, .activation = relu},
{.neurons = 1, .activation = sigmoid},
-static Array json_read(const char *filepath);
-Array json_read(const char *filepath)
+static void json_read(const char *filepath,
+ Array *input, Array *out,
+ char *out_key,
+ char *in_keys[],
+ size_t in_keys_size);
+void json_read(const char *filepath,
+ Array *input, Array *out,
+ char *out_key,
+ char *in_keys[],
+ size_t n_input_keys)
- Array out;
FILE *fp;
char *fp_buffer;
size_t ret;
@@ -55,21 +62,27 @@ Array json_read(const char *filepath)
json_obj = json_tokener_parse(fp_buffer);
size_t json_obj_length = json_object_array_length(json_obj);
- out.shape[0] = (size_t)json_obj_length;
- out.shape[1] = 4;
- out.data = calloc(out.shape[0] * out.shape[1], sizeof(out.data[0]));
+ input->shape[0] = (size_t)json_obj_length;
+ input->shape[1] = n_input_keys;
+ input->data = calloc(input->shape[0] * input->shape[1], sizeof(input->data[0]));
+ out->shape[0] = (size_t)json_obj_length;
+ out->shape[1] = 1;
+ out->data = calloc(out->shape[0] * out->shape[1], sizeof(out->data[0]));
for (int i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(json_obj); i++) {
json_object *item = json_object_array_get_idx(json_obj, i);
- out.data[4*i] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(item, "area"));
- out.data[4*i + 1] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(item, "longitude"));
- out.data[4*i + 2] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(item, "latitude"));
- out.data[4*i + 3] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(item, "price"));
+ out->data[i] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(item, out_key));
+ for (int j = 0; j < n_input_keys; j++) {
+ input->data[n_input_keys * i + j] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(item, in_keys[j]));
+ }
- return out;
+ return;
perror("json_read() Error");
@@ -77,25 +90,34 @@ json_read_error:
int main(void) {
- Array json_data = json_read("data/test.json");
- nn_layer_init_weights(neural, ARRAY_SIZE(neural, Layer), 4);
- printf("neurons: %zu\n", neural[0].neurons);
- printf("input_notes: %zu\n", neural[0].input_nodes);
- double *out = nn_layer_forward(neural[0], json_data.data, json_data.shape);
- printf("rows: %zu\n", json_data.shape[0]);
- printf("cols: %zu\n", neural[0].neurons);
+ Array X, y;
+ char *in_keys[] = {"area", "longitude", "latitude"};
+ json_read("data/test.json", &X, &y, "price", in_keys, ARRAY_SIZE(in_keys, char *));
+ nn_layer_init_weights(neural, ARRAY_SIZE(neural, Layer), X.shape[1]);
+ double *out = nn_layer_forward(neural[0], X.data, X.shape);
+ printf("area\tlat\tlong\t| price\n");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < X.shape[0]; i++) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < X.shape[1]; j++) {
+ size_t index = X.shape[1] * i + j;
+ printf("%.2lf\t", X.data[index]);
+ }
+ printf("| %.2lf\n", y.data[i]);
+ }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < neural[0].input_nodes; i++) {
+ printf("---\n");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < X.shape[0]; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < neural[0].neurons; j++) {
- size_t index = i * neural[0].neurons + j;
- printf("%4.2lf\t", out[index]);
+ size_t index = neural[0].neurons * i + j;
+ printf("%.2lf\t", out[index]);
- nn_layer_free_weights(neural, 2);
+ nn_layer_free_weights(neural, ARRAY_SIZE(neural, Layer));
- free(json_data.data);
- return 0;
+ free(X.data);
+ free(y.data);
diff --git a/src/nn.c b/src/nn.c
index 1993614..87f74ce 100644
--- a/src/nn.c
+++ b/src/nn.c
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ double * nn_layer_forward(Layer layer, double *input, size_t input_shape[2])
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
- input_shape[0], layer.neurons, layer.input_nodes,
- 1.0, input, input_shape[1], //alpha A
- layer.weights, layer.neurons, // B
- 1.0, out, layer.neurons);
+ input_shape[0], layer.neurons, layer.input_nodes, // m, n, k
+ 1.0, input, input_shape[1], //alpha X
+ layer.weights, layer.neurons, // W
+ 1.0, out, layer.neurons); // beta B
return out;
diff --git a/src/nn.h b/src/nn.h
index 4a47e63..88b4462 100644
--- a/src/nn.h
+++ b/src/nn.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ typedef struct Layer {
size_t neurons, input_nodes;
} Layer;
-void nn_layer_init_weights(Layer *layer, size_t nmemb, size_t input_size);
+void nn_layer_init_weights(Layer *layer, size_t nmemb, size_t input_cols);
void nn_layer_free_weights(Layer *layer, size_t nmemb);
double * nn_layer_forward(Layer layer, double *input, size_t input_shape[2]); //TODO
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